Ok everyone made those 'all about me' posts and i didn't yet...(i feel bad) plus i haven't posted in ages!
Lets just start with..i have no idea how to do this kind of stuff, ya sure it's easy and everyone did it but when it comes to it I'm kinda stuck... so number 1. I'm shy....some people don't believe me when i tell them that but it's true, the first time i meet u if i haven't talked to you online and don't know who you are i will not talk to u unless i have to or really really want to. but if ur my online friend and then I meet u I will talk to you, cuz I know u already right? I'm a weird person i would say who doesn't care what people think about me (except sometimes) but even then i try not to... I totally love being around friends and the more friends the better. I think i trust people way to fast and then end up in a mess when they turn out to be fake friends (only happened once thank the Lord) I live in the Philippines (i bet u all know that) and I think it's totally unfair that all the rest of my awesome family live in Mexico...well except Meggy and Claire (but i don't know Claire sure she's awesome though) I like to be crazy, but not alone, and so I'm either crazy with my sisters or just normal cuz there is no one to be crazy with..well actually i do be crazy by myself and everyone looks at me like I'm weird....but i bet u didn't' need to know that. random fact, i luv chocolate and right now I'm craving mint chocolate, there was some in the freezer and i didn't know who's it was so i took a tiny piece and i want more

the Lord is punishing me for stealing. OK more about me, i luv music (now who doesn't?) and my favorite is going to sleep listening to music, except I hate it when I'm trying to sleep and metal music comes on and i don't want to change it cuz I'm trying to sleep (happened last night) but i can sleep with metal, just um..not my style so therefore i should delete it from my mp4. (makes mental note) Another random fact...I love water parks...i just went to one 2 days ago and i want to go again even though i'm still sore from all teh climbing up stairs to get to the slide. Actually i love water, people say it's cuz I'm a Pisces but I don't think so, i don't believe my sun sign chooses what I like... I mean Jesus gave us free choice right?? lets see more about me, i love sleeping but i cannot sleep in the day no matter how hard i try, so if I'm tired i have to wait till it's night time. Normally I can't sleep early either but last night i feel asleep at 9:30 so today I'm all awake.I'm a lazy person but am trying to get over it. I love sports (except soccer) but it always depends who I'm playing with and how good they are otherwise I don't enjoy myself. I also go to rugby every week (touch rugby) super fun even though I'm like the worst at it, but I'm getting better. Another thing *thinks*... I luv shoes, and clothes, I'm like obsessed and always want more......so greedy I know, but yes it's good for me. Plus I love drawing and playing guitar (plus I'm learning both). I love making puzzles and doing school is like my worst thing...I'm behind and we're going to start summer vacation soon....everyone in the Philippines already started it, and we didn't....u see in this part of the world it's already summer. even though it's hot all year long. Ok another random fact. I think this post is way to long, and even though there are many things I could say about me, atm i can't think of any except that I can't stay in the house a whole day straight, and I can't say in around the house for a whole week, i have to go out, fellowship (whether or not I like who I'm fellowshiping with) or just go to the mall or something. So ya that's all I have to say. O ya important fact. I luv being a missionary and witnessing is my favorite thing to do... Well almost and I luv Jesus like crazy...or u could say I'm in luv with him..cuz I am :D
oh natty! Ur perfect;)
Luvs music(check)
Luvs water(check)
Shy to unknown people(check)
don't like school(check check)
I Love You~
NALS!! You're so adorable, just loved how you wrote it all. I love you just the way you are and yes.. I guess you got the laziness from me.. or maybe its a teenager thing. I love you I love I love you. I have also had experiences with waking up in the middle of the night with heavy metal songs.. TOTALLY WAKES YOU UP. And here's the shocker.. I like it. hohohoho
I wubbs you... GET ONLINE!...-runs to fairy land and hits a wall and faints...-.........
ahhh! That's the Nala I know! wonderful! Beautiful! Fun! Wamayzing!
Nala, Nala, NALAAAAA!
I'm so glad you're my twin sista!
awww so sweet;;) luv u guys to....u know wat i like about u all, u all accept me the way i am...even if it's weird or strange :)
Yeps Nalies that's right we L-O-V-E YOU! And hey aren't you awesome, its like jump into Nalies and hug her! :P And as to the waterpark there I'd be with you, I only go to waterparks when forced by amazing ppl :P if not I'll take books :D I know, sounds so lame OR I'll take a camera to catch cuties in the middle of being CUTE! Oh god I haven't written my all about me either...:D but you have, now it sounds like its my turn. I love you Nats!
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