Yeah, I know it's kind of late, but hey! As they say (and shall always be the truth) better late than never!
Okay, well, I'm a piscis! No, I don't live in a fishbowl in case you wondered, but I do live in a big house fuuuuull of people. I am what you call an "artzy" person. Drawing, singing, dancing, photgraphy, music, etc. THAT'S ME! soooo me.
I'm also into this crazy phase where I want to be flexible, turn cartwheels, do back flips, handstands and all that cool stuff.
One thing you should know, I'm....clumsy and NOT all. Bahaha you should see my attempts at turning a cartwheel.....pitiful. (on a second though.....III don't think you'll want to....) And at a split? HA! Nice joke. I can open my legs.....up to like 40 degrees...... a big nice... triangle.
I'm also veeeeeery spacey. If I'm concentrating on something like, reading or hearing someone else's conversation and suddenly you start talking to me....I won't pay attention to you. Sorry, I mean, it's like, I hear you but the thought won't process through my mind, and it'll go something like this:
MOM: Hey Windy, could you hang up the last part of the clothes for me?
Windy, reading a book or on the computer: Oh, yeah sure
MOM: Okay and after that remember to go for your sisters at 4:30 for get out, okay?
ME: Uh, hum.
MOM: Windy?
Me: Yeah? (Finally I actually pay attention)
MOM: Did you hear what I said?
ME: WHAT??!? ..... you said something?......
You see! Weird. Like, I'll answer you, but 2 seconds later I'll completely forget what you just told me. SO, if you want to ask me something and I'm doing my school, reading, on the computer, or on a table but listening to the other table's conversation.....get my attention first! Please....I don't mean just....happens....
I'm very MAJOR....sometimes it's good...sometimes it's bad....
I just can't accept defeat on something. I guess you can also call it being competitive. If someone can do something.....I have to do it too!
I LOVE Mexican food! If I could, I would marry it when I grow up!
I am very...weird sometimes...Like, I'll baby talk you, say the most random things, act the most childish way, make people think I'm a freak, and erm...bear with me in those times. Okay?
Normally I'm in a very good mood, but, if I'm in a bad mood every single little thing makes me sooooo mad! Even the simplest question will send me into a spasm of wanting to beat your guts out. But....all is internal. I'm very, ummm I don't know how to explain it, aware? Respectful? Of other people, so I won't scream or yell at them. I'll just be trying to strangle them in my mind. OOOOOH, but if your my sisters it's different. I like them.....I can let it all out when I'm with them (heh bad for them...) but with others, I can't put my feelings into actions. Hard as I try! I can't be mean to people, backtalk, or scream at them unless I have lived with them all my's just...impossible for me.
I love clothes. I just cant get enough of them and that makes my parents mad, because they say that I have a suitcase full of perfectly good clothes. But, they don't understand me. It's like this: I buy a new shirt, pants, or dress and it's the most beautiful thing in the world. But I use it 5 or 6 times... and... it looses it's sparkle and I'm there like, why did I buy this in the first place? Or, for me it just looks old and worn out.
Yeah, I know, I got issues...... but please girls! Tell this....normal?
I don't mind cleaning and JJT's.
I love travelling, being with my friends, talking all through the night, GUYS, (they're awesome okay?....well.....most of them....) dancing, and being me.
And you know what?!?!?! I just recently found out: people think of me as delicate, DELICATE....princess type!!! I mean......I have NEVER considered myself as delicate....or a princess sorta diva. AM I LIKE THAT???? For me.....that's like, a revelation.....and I don't know if I'm to happy about that.......
And last but not least, I LOVE ALL OF YOU! You guys, you make my life special, fun and I don't feel like a loner type of loser girl. Because, honestly, I have always been the eldest for these last 10 years, no role models or anything. SO, I had NO idea HOW on earth what a teen was supposed to be like, and being with awesome teens like you, makes me feel okay and not like some creepy sort of physic. (in a way...)
They say
They say a true friend is someone who...
Sees you in your worst moment, but never forgets the best of you.
Thinks you're a little more wonderful than you actually are.
Can talk whole hours or be in complete silence in your company.
Is as happy for your success as you are.
Trusts you enough as to tell you what is really on their mind
Doesn't try to know more, act smarter or teach you something all the time.
A true friend is a friend all the time.
There are few greater gifts than being a friend.
Friends make you better, they bring out the best in you.
Henry Ford when out to dine with someone, he asked his companion "Who is your best friend?" But the man hesitated. He wasn't sure. "I'll tell you who your best friend is", suggested Ford, "Your best friend is the one who brings out the best of what is hidden within you"
And I say loves, that I hardly know some of you, but still, you are each a wonderful person who bring out the best in me :) I wanna be around you foreva'!
Sandy I dunno what I'd do without your caring arms around me, or your hands wiping my tears away. Steph, you know how much I love you and I can't wait to see you again, I miss you 24/7 it's not the same having you so far from me..Estie, you're a love, I'm so happy I got to see you! Nalies my beautiful prayer partner I'm missing you to bits! Meggy my amazing sunshine, I actually leap for joy inside when you're on. Windy, Maria, we'll meet soon and I'll give you all the hugs I've been dying to give you all along! You girls deserve more than just a row of medals for putting up with me, and trying to understand when I don't make sense. I love you girls! And dear Clara and Claire, you're awesome too!
It makes me extremely happy whenever I hear from you loves, hope you're doing great. But if you're not, know that you have me here though real far perhaps, and that I care about you!
P.S. If you ever see a pretty woman walking down the street, maybe around Washington or Missouri or you never know, perhaps Japan or Egypt and she looks like this:
Run after her and ask her if her names is Teresa Dieter! If she answers positively hug her immediately, and get to know her. She's one of the most amazing people you'll meet.
Just don't go by the color of her hair, it could be her originally strawberry blonde, black, purple, maybe for one day :P That's her. I just had to let you know.
happy valentines!!!
Happy valentines!...I hope you all had a wonderful time..gee its like WAY passed valetines..teheh but whatever anyways...I m sure you all had a lover here or there even though he didnt declare it..I m sure..anyways and all of those who did I hope you had a blast!! you all!
On January 26th 2010 I became.....a mother! yay!
(You know Sandy, I think I know how it feels now......It's awesome!!!)
The girl:
Name: Claire Aura Jordan
Age: 12
And...she's my daughter! I'm sooo happy.....sigh.....
I love you Claire! Hope you can come to Mexico! You'll love our tacos and Chili!!!
Welcome to our one crazy family!!!
Hey guys, you're invited to the baby shower, IT'S A GIRL!!!
me turno!
well hehe...sigh....I cant describe myself honestly I am knowed for my bipolarness and not knowing how to decided I think thats something libras always always...sandy?..haha I guess were all diferent...but I can tell you something...
something funny I remember is that people always tell me the same thing over and over..haha so I came to a conclusion about me..haha aint that great..intead of me there staring at the sealling..and telling you the fans are going to fly way thats so
well where to start..I always picture myself as a super hiper person that can never ever stay in the house even for the day...I cant like stay still...I m extremely loud haha wich is sometimes good and I think that people should stop shushing me...hey what am I going to do at a concert?
I love rainy days...but somehow instead of staying in my house nice and cozy I want to go and work out in the rain alking all the way to the GYM haha and then they dont let me fun becouse I m friends always tell me that I m to random and just weird..but believe me I wear it proud..
I wine and I m spoiled sometimes..but somehow when it comes to visit friends they never spoil me..haha thats like the only area I like being spoiled...friends somehow are awesome....all of you have been like awesome, its so wonderful to have friends like you guys specially when thy care about you help you through dificult times, and are just there....sandy has been the best sister she has been a huge soport in everything I LOVE YOU SO MUCH GIRLY...and stepha, windy and Meg also you guys are so amazing...all of you are and I thank the lord so much for you putting you in my path and getting a chance to meet you all.
I m a huge flirt, I flirt with every singl person that comes my way..I m not sure if thats a good thing...I flirt all the time..I love attention... I really like being complimented and people telling me super nice things...its flatters me out..!!! much
somehow I can be in some ones shoes so easily and I can feel how their feeling, I cant tell when their having a bad day or when something is just wrong, I love drawing and writing storys...somehow I have just a random dream and then hahaha I want to write a story down then when I m half way I leave it becouse I m out of ideas...haha
I like being intertained in every single was I can be sititing in a chair and be having fun...haha..
I like having goals and trying to acomplish them, sometimes I can be so tough and hard but I find thats a good thing...I can fall in love so easily I m an emotional reck...basically...I love dancing I cant stand not dancing in partys...yes well I normally try to pull up the ones who are sitting down...haha its a pretty good exercise after a while haha becouse your always trying will all your strengh to ppull someone up...hey it hurts your back after awhile.
performing has never been an idea I even got into my head...kind of tried to block it...but when I dance or sing it just comes out...haha yeah I guess I wont tell you I like it becouse I dont ...but people say I do a pretty good job...oh and I like public speaking...I ont care what others think of me .. learned that along all my life...
anyways I m eating this delicious chocolate cake right now and I want some milk..hahaha...but yes this is all could think of..pretty much my memory isint working that well becouse the taste of this thing is like...mushy, and soft, chocolaty, and then is has cajeta....with cream...awww soo god..yes I m a food lover..haha...anyways love all of you so much..haha yeah probably poeple get bored of you...becouse...ur all there typing about ourselves...haha but anyways its good to know each other...MUAH!
Weall Sandy said we all have to like do this, so I supposed I could start...
Funny, cute, sarcastic, mean, nice, good, bad, cheerful, depressive, romantic.... I fit into all those... so I've been told.
But where do I start?
I guess i'm normal... but what is normal in this world of... idonnowhat...? no, I'm not normal. because normal makes me think of a protocol, and I can't live with that... or with ruts, habits, I love change!... i think
I'm an overly expressive person. I will speak my mind and sometimes be blunt about it, I can be almost anything you want me to... there's so many faces for you to look at, so many perspectives to view from....
I'm an introverted and outgoing person... however that works. Very quiet and incredibly talkative at the same time. Foolish, and immature, incredibly childish, mischievous and .... well me :D
I'm incredibly spacey, i can;t seem to be able to concentrate on anything.... except when i'm reading an incredibly interesting story, or talking to a very hot guy.
I'm a lover... I fall for guys easily,but seldom have great luck with them....
My mind is full of hopes, dreams, and plans that will probably never work one day... but I hold on to them, hoping that maybe one day they'll work out.
Sometimes stubborn unless your opinion makes me think and think and then maybe i'll yield to you.... or not
I'm not an overly sensitive person, I don't hold grudges against anyone... i can't (I guess that's good), I don't cry in movies and very seldom over texts. I can cry about something that doesn't even have to do with emotions... but yeah, that's me. In other cases, like a heartbreak i can get overly depressive about it, cry and all... i guess it depends
You can tell me anything and if you don't want me to speak a word of it, I won't even remember it unless you bring it back to mind and bring it all up. I will not tell anyone, I swear upon my heart and I'm dead serious about it.

I love rain more than any other weather, some people think that strange, but I guess its because its so scarce here nowadays.
My life is devoted to food and cooking... if i will study to be a pro at anything it'd be that, cause its what i do. i think about food only a bit less then friends and lovers, but that's just because its my destiny to be a chef.
I whine a lot, and I cry when things don't go my way, I sometimes compare myself with other prettier and greater, cooler ppl., i'm addicted to coffee and i pick my nose in public, i scratch my butt when ppl. less expect it, i'm incredibly random and i will most probaly say things you don't expect me to. I make ppl, feel awkward for no reason, but that's just me.
Well congrats, I've probably bored you out of your mind already.... hehhe but yeah, this is me. so deal with it!