Life is a miracle. There are so many things and people who we sometimes just take for granted.
Every breath, every moment, every experience--from sea to sea, the earth and sky, every shimmering blade of grass, every song of a bird, every smile that comes from a child's laughter, is a blessing.--A miracle
Life is a gift, for many still in the process of unwrapping, but a breathless miracle nonetheless.
I love you!
Happy Birthday Woman
Since you always make posts for everyones birthday on this blog I decided to be the one to make it for you :) Happy Late Birthday Windy, wish u the best year ever.

That I really want to say
I’m very glad I know you;
And have an awesome 17th year,
And because you are awesome,
hehe sounds kinda dorky, but :D i mean it :*
Love you!
To: Nala
To someone special, who has made my life a little better.
To someone, who simply by knowing her, has made me smile and enjoy life more.
To someone who deserves the best birthday wish ever.
To someone unique and important to me and many other people.
To someone I can truly say I love and can count on.
To someone, that, even though I may not talk to her on a 24 hour basis, and live thousands of miles apart from, I still care for and cherish.
To someone who holds a special place in my heart.
That someone is you! And that someone is celebrating her birthday this month! THAT is something to be excited about!
I love you so much darling! And, even though it's a little late, I wanted you to know how important you are to me!
HAPPY BIRTDHAY! May the Lord's joy be with you today and forever!
Okay, so as your friend, I am allowed to freak out, okay? :)
But you, ENJOY THIS YEAR! WHOOOT! Awww Esther! I'm so happy for you, all the exciting things you're going to do and stuff (may I mention Chriiiiiis? Ea ea!) ahaha
Yep. I think you'll have a good time this year. *wink*
I am SO thankful I have you as a friend! And you're like the lucky one! Out of all the girls (except Victoria) I've known you the longest! Everybody go with me, "ooooooooooh!"
Te amo muchisimo! I miss you tons too! And man, I wish I could give you a big squishy hug and a kiss right about now!
(Oh! Oh! And isn't that the coolest cake ever!???)
Never wash your pancho so that it always has my perfume smell so that you don't forget me when you're in Africa and are all rich and famous and stuff hohoho.
Loads of kisses, hugs, prayers, best wishes and love to you my sweety!
Today it's your birthday and I say, let's celebrate!
Let's go shopping, get a great big cake!
Put on party hats, scream our heads off; dance like Sandy,
Party into the night, buy you a nice cup of brandy.
Oh! Esther this is great!
You're as old as ten plus eight!
A new opportunity to start all over again,
To enjoy Jesus' blessings...yeah, like men!
Another year has gone by; you have new wishes to come true,
Yet know that through it all I will always love you.
Count with my prayers para ti in this new year,
Keep your head held up high along with all of heaven's cheer!
Let's Celebrate!

Sapo verde eres tu, sapo verde eres tuuu sapo verde, sapo verde, sapo verde eres tuuuuuuu!
SANDY! MARIA! It's your birthday! AHHH! I can't believe it! It's so cool! Really, honestly and truly, your birthdays are one of the most important things we could celebrate! ... even though you're like OLD! Like me *smiles*

Oh, sorry.
That up there (yeah that...the TITLE) translated to where you can understand (a.k.a. normal ENGLISH language) means: Congratulations Clara!
Spiffy huh?
Weeeeeoooo! I can't believe it! Wow... It's your birthday and I can't believe it! SIXTEEN ALREADYY! Wow... boom baby right there.
And look, trust me, don't worry.
If your year is somewhat smilar to how mine has gone so far, you're gonna like it (uh huh uh huh!) And yeah, even though it's really creepy and somewhat scary to answer this question -> "Hey! How old are you?"
(mainly cuz you usually answer something like this ->) "Fiff...sixteen." trying to keep a smile on your face while thinking, "WHERE ARE THE YEARS GOING???"
You'll live.
For sure.
Hey! I'm still here! ;)
I really pray and hope with all my heart that this year will be totally awesome for you, full of fun, victories and exciting stories to tell your grandkids when you're a grandma. (Whoah, freaky prospect huh?)
Bah,but don't worry! Psshh! it's alright! I bet you'll make a really awesome-sexy looking-talented grandma!
Wow... I have such powers of encouragment, ya think?
Okay, right. Back to the present.
I know this is like... a day late but hey! "Thought that counts" works EVERY time right?
Have an awesome 16th year! I love you Clara
*sings mariachi style* Clara...clariiiitaaaaa! AAAAAAAAH HA HA HAAAAY! Estas soooon las ma....
Geee...Ricky is like, RIGHT!
This blog needs updating... fo' shizzle!
Weeeeh, I need to hear all your exciting, wonderful, marvelous tales girlies!
To tell you some of mine:
My family and me just came back from vacations! Yeeey! ... more like, long follow up/witnessing visit, but it was fun. Oh! And I got to see my grandparents and get cool things in thrift stores, score?
Whoah...the trip back was like majorly long though. And...I vaz hungy *pout*
But TYJ we're back home now to beautiful weather. (Nice and rainy in the mornings and late afternoon! whoooo)
Fresca como una lechuga. haha
Awww manies...I would write more but my mom says I need to get off the computer now and play volley ball...gulp! (Pray for my teamates lives to be spared!!!)
Heheheh see ya!
So happy, blissfully happy....then
I miss you girls!
It was wonderful to have seen you all in "carne y hueso" oh and you're all like, prettier than in your pictures! Gosh!
whaaaaa! I need to see you, PRONTO!
But I'm glad I got to see you, even if it was like, "TWO SECONDS!" (heee Sandy?)
As I sat and watched the clouds change shape and form, I thought and recounted, the latest happenings. I am old, and hairy...-shhh- but apparently still alive and breathing. So far, most of my daughters have found someone to confide in.. like a husband but a lil more hairy. It brings great joy and happiness to my heart that they have that special someone. So hairy husbands happy daughters. Oh and I was struck by a lightning and went to pluto on a mission to save the poor and desolate aliens. They were also hairy.
Side note: I know you wondering " whats with the hairiness" It's just been impressed upon me that some ppl are just so hairy.. anyway.. that's irrelevant. -shhh-
Oh most importantly I thought about my newborn - or should say newly adopted daughter- Sayuri. After many months of carefully taking care of her, Mike and I decided that we wanted to be parents again.. Well I did. Mike is new at this.. he's also hairy GOSH!
Since we're not married yet it was more difficult to have her adopted, but now, I feel fulfilled and happiness engulfs me like you'd never know. Sayuri, it now mine, my darling baby.
Pretty, pretty princess of my heart! I love you! Welcome to our family! :*
Oh while doing school, I just wrote something that umm I don't know if it made much sense but I'll show you, it's what evolution induced me to write :D
"We evolve and we change. We mutate and we grow more hair every single day. I think its imperative that we look to each other for guidance and love to see each other through this time, this age.. to create a better future for those that are yet to come. We each perfect or change our part of the world, what are you doing to change the world?"
Profound aye??
heeheh, i should go and post this and pretend I was doing school all along :>
Love you my darlings :*
My voice is gone people!!!
You heard me.
So weird how it happened.
You see, I've been having a little cold for these past three days and last night my voice sorta got this funny deepness to it, (you know, like when you read out loud for a long, long time?) And I thought, OH! How cool! My voice actually sounds deep and awesome!
Oh, imagine my delight...when I wake up this morning and...gulp....
MY VOICE WAS OUT! Like yucky, squeaky and when I want to scream or talk goes out! a little mouse squeak or something...
ANOYING! get what I'm saying... go to My Video Blog
(chants while skipping down a park) Steph is fifteeen, Steph is fifteeeen...
When did THAT happen?? It seems like only yesterday you were fourteen! :p
haha awww my dear, where does time go don't you think?
OOOO! Such excitement, drama, exhiliratioooooon! Our dear, very own madmuasele is officially (ahem, in Mexican terms) a lady.... dreamy sigh ...
WHIPEEE! You'll have to post or send me all your beautiful birthday pictures okay? Pretty please? Oh! You will?!? THANK YOU! Muah! I'll love ya foreva! ;)
Seriously girls, I think we need to come up with a plan. Steph getting so gorgeous and, ahem, OLDER. Guys will just be going crazy about her and follow her everywhere!!!
(group huddle)
Whispers: "Okay girls. What shall we do?"
"Oh! I know! Get some anti-guy spray!"
"No, no, no! And if it runs out? what will we do then? Nope, I think the best solution is house arrest!"
"GAH! What are you talking about...then she won't be able to see me!"
"She's right you know, and other than that, what will happen to her dancing carrear?"
"Oh, alright, you win. Well, what other options do you have?"
"I GOT IT! .... as you all know, there is NO possible way that we're keeping guys away from her. That's just a fact. SOOOO...." (whispering continues.)
AHA! Gotcha there! Nope, you won't be able to hear our secret plan MUAHAHAHA!
I'll just have to keep you in suspense, but don't worry, it's a VERY good idea.... ;)
I was feeling in the mood for eating chocolate and since I didn't have any I decided to post pictures and make everyone crave some too so I won't feel so bad...
Ok there I won't post anymore as I really really really want chocolate!
Yes this is a strange post but this is what happens when i want something really BAD!!!
Celebrating YOU
In an ice cream container I read: "There are lots of reasons to celebrate, look around, and pick one!"
And I want to celebrate you my girlfriends! -beautiful, crazy nutcases whom I wouldn't be the same without.
It's a celebration in thankfulness for friends like you, who stick through thick and thin, who know what makes me feel ashamed of myself, and still love me, in spite of myself.
You choose to stick around bearing my burdens, helping to heal my wounds, watching my back, inspiring me to love better and give my best shot at life. You encourage me, and by seeing the best of me you help me to believe in myself. You remind me that there's nothing love can't do, no place love can't reach. You remind me that there isn't anything in this life that can't be conquered, because you are fighters yourselves.
You're many times just the reminder I need, telling me that I'm not alone. And it's true, I never am.
You are more than enough reason to celebrate, not just now but to live celebrating!
Not many are blessed with such friends like you, sisters, angels in disguise...and partners for crazy moments.
To you! (clink, clink)
-smiles- I love you girls, thank you for your unconditional love. You take me as I am.