I was just thinking how I don’t necessarily know all of you that well, obviously there’s a certain limit I can know you guys, what with the distance being great and all. And I know you guys too feel the same. So, I’ll attempt to describe myself, so you can know my mother/granny ways.
Hum, so thats what I think when I hear myself called a granny...( creepy old lady if you ask me! )
Whoever said being a granny was a bad thing??
I’m the kind of person, that doesn’t like being in the same place all the time, I like movement, and changing things.
I WAS a clean and tidy person, I don’t know what happened to that.
Look at that, doesn't it give you peace. Thats how I was, nothing could be out of place, I'd go crazy.
But then the waves of change ( a.k.a. teenager lazziness) came and then this is how my room started looking.
Thankfully I like to exaggerate things, and my room is not nearly as bad. :D
Any person that says can understand me God bless their soul, cause quite frankly I’m out of ideas on how to understand myself. I love getting to know people, their unique qualities, their laugh, their smiles. Seriously makes you thankful for each one of them. I personally think everyone is beautiful, yes even if you don’t think you are, I bet I can find millions of ways in which you are incomparably beautiful. Everyone has a unique beauty to them, some you got to explore to find, others you see it right at first, but overall I think everyone has a special spark that makes them 1 in a million. Everyone is worth getting to know. I love….laughing, laughing till I’m in tears, and can’t no more. It’s the best in the world. You know that feeling when you’ve been laughing so hard for more than five minutes, and you somehow feel lighter, happier, and suddenly all those problems and battles you had just disappeared like BOM, nada. Sigh, I love that feeling. Although, I can sometimes just laugh at everything, even if its not funny.. I know, I’m weird like that.
When I see someone hurt, I can’t bear it! It’s the worse in the world. Of course its an inevitable part of life, but it hurts me to the core to see someone hurt, but its a confort know that my prayers be one of the best ways to help them, even if I'm not there.
Ok now my bad things! Yes, you got to know them too.
I tend to have a lazy nature, and be the last-minute kind of person. I also have this horrid tendancy ( WARNING!! If this ever happens, or does happen to you already, I’m super sorry.) to not listen to people when they talk to me. I’m just a space case ok!! FORGIVE ME!! Like if you’re talking to me, and you’re not in front of me, but behind me or beside me… chances are I won’t be listening to you. I’m in my own world and you’ll be practically talking to a wall. Then finally I’ll react “ what, -blank face- you said something??” walks off. “ SHE NEVER LISTENS!” Yes, that scenario has happened many times. Wahh, I really do hate it when it happens, you guys just gotta understand I’m a space case, hopeless one at that. People tell me things, and if I don’t give them my full attention I’ll forget everything. Oh, I also lack concentration powers. A single word can disrupt me and my concentration. Sigh.
I really, really, like sports and anything to do with running, jumping, and chasing you name it. Though, I can’t dance and my attempts are hilarious, but hey… its all past of the fun. RIGHT?? I enjoy listening to music. It’s a vital ingredient to my sanity. I like listning to it, trying to play it on piano, although I’m not the greatest. I try my best and enjoy it. I love singing my lungs out, much to everyones horror. I pray and hope you never listen to me and my great.. ahem.. voice.
I thinks its something every girl has, and me being no exception , I love talking.And, no I don't like talking about clothes or make-up or fashion, or how Brad Pitt was walking topless in a beach! OMG! DID YOU KNOW HE DID THAT EVERYDAY FOR 2 WEEKS AND NOBODY TOLD ME?? I much rather discuss whether cows are really blue.. or green? Did you know I don't think myself as looking as I look now? I look at myself in the mirror and its like a different person. Like, if I saw a girl that look exactly like me walking passed me I wouldn't even notice. Yeah, its weird. I haven't gotten all that used to my face. Maybe I'm alien.. who knows?? And do you know, I can be sumtimes super-duper shy with people. Sometimes I just forget of that fact, and it doesn't even matter. Sure, I'll go talk to that hot-looking guy over there and ask for his phone number, oops sandy you're shy remember?? " Ahh who cares about that." What I've come to realized through the years, is that you really shouldn't give a damn what people think about you , cause if you do you'll soon start becoming a completely paranoid person, who never talks because hes just so afraid of what they'll think, and hides under the table every time a visit comes. If you're shy, act like you're not, you'll soon forget about it. That's my religion. Did you also know I forget my manners. ( SHAME!!)
Girlies, I promise you, one day I'll met every single one of you.Maybe some in the coming months other in the coming years. Especially Nalies and Meg, with you guys being so far away and stuff and I know the Lord will make a way for us to met. I was just talking with one of you , how it would be so awesome having all of us together.. someplace. I can just imagine it. Excited faces, smiles, laughing, everyone talking at the same time. Steph jumping up and down, Maria laughing with delight, clara hugging someone, ester talking to meg while shes also recounting a recent happening, windy smiling and talking and nalies bright-eyed with excitement. Sigh, on day girlies.. Whether we be old or young, we'll met.

And thats Sandy for you! ;)
aww don't worry sandy...your bad things are NOTHING compared to mine...uh oh...-worried look-
I hope to see you soon..somewhere in the near future! Can't wait for that day...COME COME COME!
I love you lots! :-*
Saaandy you make me laugh so hard and make me feel so special and beautiful..just imagine my hands together in sheer delight at the thought of us being all together!
I admire you Sandy, please don't look at all your imperfections, mistakes and blow-its, we all love you unconditionally, and those things don't matter cause you're perfectly wonderful as you are. And I looove you! If you need to change something you will...You're amazing :) Lucky oh waay too lucky the guy who has you :-* You know I'll stand by your side.
I'll be your maid of honor:P
Ohh my.....now my comment will feel puny besides Steph.....
Sandy, you really are a great person! This post really made me laugh....and be wamased at how lucky I am to have a mom like you!
You know....how you describe yourself sorta sounds like.....ME!!! .....must be in the genes......haha
hey that's so like nice..u know who cares about the bad things we all have them...like for me at least when I think of myself I don't think about the bad things (except my pimples)cuz i'm like everyone has bad things telling others about mine won't help anyone..but haha ur bad things aren't even that bad..man i'm lazy to (just read a GN on that :-s) and well I like being crazy but that's a good thing right? ok and moma in all ur awesome and I"m really glad to have got ur email...i mean if i wouldnt' i would know any of ur from our family at all (worried look)....man I luv u so much:D
Aww Sandy you're amazing!! I couldn't wish for a better best friend/mom. We all have our ups and downs, but that's what we're all here for right? :D You're soo much like me... or I'm soo much like you cause afeter all you're my mom right? :D:D this is hilarious tho, I did laugh. But even so it is very, very accurate. and now i can show this to all and proudly say this is my mom. so what? she's amazing and we all love her!
Aww, guys soo sweet! Hey, I didn't write this for your sympathies.I was just explaining myself, didn't want to only mention my good things, but also my bad things, cause their part of who I am, I mean I wouldn't be sandy without them ,hate them as I may, ITS ME! I just wanted to warn and let you guys all know. I'm surprise that so many of you can relate.. yeah maybe in the genes.
HEY GUYS! You too have to write a description of yourselfs, I want to know those details too!
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