In my life, I've known people who've changed me, who've lighted a spark in my life, who've brought richness, each and everyone one of you "kids" have been that light guiding me through. Some, I'm not entirely familiar with, I don't know you like the palm of my hand... or as much as I'd like to. But I do know one thing. I LOVE YOU! So much, its like the love of a mother. I'm so thankful for each breath that you guys take, for each smile, even if I can't get to see them... all the time.
Thinking about each of you...although the thought may be funny,( I have no ill intensions..its just how my brain works ) in the things you say how you move, how you react sometimes just reminds me of a certain animal... and in some cases you remind me of many.

This is sort of how I see you. ( sometimes)
I know some of you might want to come and stone me because I don't think you as the cutie little kitten, or because you remind me soo much of a hippo, I just want you to know that if your here, I refuse to live a life without you .

My dearest Clara. She's always shown this inner strength. Wanting to be able to do things by herself. Be independent, and at the same time, staying simple. INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS! and she doesn't even know it. Since the very beginning she proved to have a tender heart , one full of love and kindness for others.

You're my bunny, cute and sweet!!

To me, she has been a gift, a rare child, an angel. Happy and determined to have a smile playing on her face at all times. Has a word of encouragement when you most need it, and even when you don't , shes always there.. an angel. Although, I often wondered if I might have dropped her one to many times, I'm thankful for the way she is, crazy and full of ideas. I know you'll be a great one day. You already are.
I will stone anyone who thinks this llama isn't cute! I saw this picture, and the first thought that came was, " hey, doesn't it look like Steph". Told ya so. Its just like her!

Don't you love this doggie. Check out them nails!! Babe, you're like my princess doggie. lalala ignore your weird mother :)
Ester or Alice James, both are awesome!

My extremely talented daughter. She's full of surprises, gifted with many talents, it amazes me every time. She always has something funny to say. Although she might be surprisingly naughty at times, she always makes up for it. Being the eldest daughter has made her more mature with the years. She a mini mother now. (smuggness) All throught my life shes been a blessing to me. Shes a EXCELLENT cook, amazing artist, plays the guitar beautifuly, and has a beautiful way of puuting her feelings into words. Really the lovable kind of person, you just gotta love her!

sigh, cutie hamster.
Stephanie G.

Man, you we're the rascal of the bunch. Always getting into trouble, and trying to get your sisters to do crazy things. But you always laughed. It was as if it was contagious. I've always enjoyed your company. You are one I can confide in, tell my troubles to. You'll always have a hug to give a smile to pass. With you I saw happiness reflected. And am so proud of the fine lady you have become. Smart, beautiful, fun, happy and a joy to be around!

I'll never forget your " oink" sounds. They're forever in my memory. Your fault really. My piggie

My nalies. To me, I've never really will be able too explain nala to you. She always will surprise you. Theres always more to her than mets the eye. You look at her and see that shes beautiful, fun and crazy. But getting to know her, is a blast in itself. You'd never know how awesome, deep and amazing she really is.

So to you my awesomest daughters I thank you for every moment we spent with each other.

AWESOMEST granddaughter you can ever have. Super-duper hot, and is just soo happy and bubbly its contagious. I love her to bits. Sweetest sweettie pie ever. Megs, you're awesome don't ever doubt that. I'm honored and proud to be able to call you part of my family! Loove you

little ducky for Jesus! and granny!! :)

My dear sister Maria! Its funny how we're alike is so many ways other than our birthdays. Yeah, we don't exactly look alike, but to me, you have been like a sister. Although I haven't seen you in ages, I've grown to love you more and more, and get to know that sweet and amazing side to you. You really are an amazing, in so many ways. I admirer you greatly for your courage and your spirit of fighting. You're the best sister!

Oh and how can I forget! I also think myself as animal looking sumtimes. :D Actually plenty of times. It ranges from elephants.. to insects to mice. But yeah I know you guys love me!!
Your mother, friend, and crazy nut head --Sandy
I love you guys soo much. You mean the world to me!
And because I almost had a heart attack looking at myself in the mirror. This is me :D
Have no idea what it is.. maybe an alien!
OMG, this post is like, perfect!! I love it mama! and...I'm a princes!! I'm a princess!
Ahha this is soo cool! hey now I have 3 blogs to update... gee :D:D I'm gonna like crack my brainss yayy!! muah love you!
youu guys better postttttt!
yea I thought one was a hand 2..I will do my bestest! heeee
Whose idea is this? (oh i like it btw)i'd be sure to help comment and keep you guys posting!!Hey Windy here's your chance for more sentiment!haha!KGFG!!
This is too good! I second everything that Sandy said about you girls :D can I doo thaat? (battes eyelashes)
Sandy you made me laugh so much just when I needed it! And got me encouraged and made me feel deeply loved, I loove youu :-*
Sigh....that's Sandy for you!
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