This is a blog... a very strange blog. About a family... a very strange family, But a family full of joy, laughter, love and fun!

Nuts for the Soul

WARNING: I am not responsible if any heart attacks occure while reading this issue of " Nuts for the soul" All material used here is copyrighted.. ( by God knows who) if anyone has questions or feels they have been " stalked upon" call my lawyer ( 1800- 89- 347-389)

In the land of I-am-random. ( the locals usually just slurr the words ,making it sound like Iamr-andom, so it sounds cool )On a windy and cold, yet full of happiness November afternoon, a HIGHLY attractive young woman, decided to show the world her handsome, good looking young prince. ( well at least to her it was handsome, "it" because.. I'm really not sure what it is... and I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't either)
Okay, lemme tell you what I'm talking about.

The trouble all began when she blurted out, " Its an adworable aye aye!!! don't you just want to kiss it?" Her mother digusted said, " OH GOD! Ester! What the hell! Whats with this sudden ...attraction to the weirdy-looking-alien-animals. THAT IS NOT MY son-in-law.

*Whispers to the wall*
"Sip, es adoptada"
EEE , I love you babe, even if thats who you choose, I mean he probably has this kickass personality ... or not.I mean it can be sexy in its own way... but in anycase if you ... Seem to love it enough to put him up and make your prince all jealous I will respect that. I think !! Just don't come running to me for advice if that alien ever was to hurt you or anything... Ok I think I should go to sleep now.." after her explosion... Pancrasia - for that was her mother's name- left the room in a rush, and fell flat on her bed and snored. zzzz
Ester, completely broken hearted at her mothers reaction, cryed bitter tears. She couldn't believe how her mother could be so heartless to this handsome out-of-this-world "prince" ( Ohhh yeah, it was out of this world ) But, Ester not being one to mallow, quickly got over it and said,

"whaahshhskdfhlakuhrfa;wufrwi!!! kduwegfiqfldjbfskahfdif!! I mean... Isn't he the cutest ever!!! I love himm!!! and I will keep him... its fine if you don't want him as my son-in-law.. I'll have to adopt him then... sigh Mikey how wouiild you like a nice little brother... instead of a father " Pancrasia, awoken by her daughters sudden outburst scrambled to her feet broom in hand.. untill finally her brain processed what her daughter had said. A look of sudden realization came across her face.
" OMG!! was that just.. your ALIENS DIALECT!!" * twitch twitch!!*( Comentator: SAndy isn't doing too well right now.. she had to leave the room stand-by for her return.)
*calms down* " Ester.... I.. umm think you should forget about this....creature.. it is degrading to our family, our family which I hold in high esteem. Mikey SAY NOOOOOOOO!! That creature will destroy our family!! "
Mr. I'm-hot-ok-Mac Michael, Ester's wanna be son said "
Actually, it would look nice in my fish tank....don't worry, ill take good care of it"
Soon enough Meg, Pancrasia's grandaughter, heard the commotion. And once she saw the aye aye, fell completely in love with it. Her eyes were all sparkles and stars... it was as if they danced.

" know what?? I think it's adorable!! It looks like one of the babies from my planet...the planet where I came from.(ehem...PLUTO...altho
ugh it's not considered a planet anymore...that's why I had to make my way down to this planet..EARTH..gah) He's about 1 and a half years of age by the looks of it. Yep estie! he is cute!! Brings good memories of my home town...sigh~!"

Pancrasia was in shock! ALIEN HER GRANDAUGHTER!! She couldn't believe her ears, it was as if her world was falling apart. ALIEN INVASION!!! There was only one thing to do.......
Commentator: oops, pancrasia just fainted, the drama was to much.
She lay, there on the ground motionless, but no one noticed, bye that time, a croud had gatherd. Princess I-am-so-beautiful-windy, saw all that was going on, she always thought there was something weird about their family, curious about their ways but never mentioned anything... seeing the comotion she shyly ventured over to where ester was. Finally gaining courage she said, " Okay, I think this sorta confirms what I knew about you guys.......YOU ARE TOTALLY WEIRD!!! And I soooo love that about you.....sigh......we're a messed up bunch, aren't we? What is this world going to to with us???? OR what would it do without us???? Sigh......"
Pancrasia, waking up, suddenly blurted out " KILL THE ALIENS!.. ahem, what, why uh??
Yep Mom... have to learn my love's dialect to communicate with him... sorry it sort of freked you out whahah! okay okay... Um... Mikey I'll let you keep it as a pet... since Mum won't let me keep him as your dad.... or brother...
Thanks Meggy i always knew you were.... special! :)
Windy, you're waay too cool!! and weird :P:P
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! YOU ALL SUPER DUPER ROCK MY WORLD TO PLUTO!!!.... sigh.. where would I be without you? (not in pluto) :D:D:D

Meg excitedly said, "hehe course ;) I'm super special..!! aliens are rare on this planet called earth...I wanna go back to my birth planet Pluto sometime SOON. Care to join me ALice?"

" Sure thing Meggy, lemme see when the next scheduled spaceship to pluto is so we can buy tickets :D

Mr. I-am-hot-ok-MacMichael, looking as if he just knocked his head on a wall, looked at windy.. and with a smile said " Hmm, so Windy must be my grandma...awsome haha." Princess I-am-so-beautiful-WIndy gave him the whats-your-problem-face and said " Grandma??"
" Yeah, Estie is my mom"
Oh ,you mean this game that they are playing? I am not in it.......yet I think.....? " She had a frown on her face, sadness took over her facial expresions. "I think your grandma is Sandy" she said suddenly.
Sandy not sure if the aliens were invading or if michael jackson finally died, woke up from her trance and her brain processed everything that just happened.. and said " why would I be the granny??"

" Oh, sorry, it is just that you said that grandma's don't dance "tubo, tubo" so that is what I thought you were........ sorry!!!! "

smiling hugely meg said "ahahah she said that cuz she's MY granny!! (and only mine...I get selfish...:D)
Oh and estie yes it's leaving on new years! Better keep that date open;)
Sandy I do love you a lot! such a nut (grins)
and WIndy...Ur just way too pretty and lovable!
Gosh what the hell am I doing here commenting when I need to change and get going...LOVE YOU ALL tONZIEs!"

" Gee Meggy You're waay to awesome!! Suuper I knew it was soon!! I will get some tequila bottles for the celebration and the good-by feast .!"exclaimed ester.
Meggie coming back from changing, said " ahhh yess...tequila!! That is very much needed for our LOOOONG trip! Oh,and lets stop by the moon on our way..(and the rest of the planets;) ) Can't wait!! lol"
Pancrasia, finally getting the point of the conversation said " ahahaha, Yep I'm only Meggies Granny. lalala, AND GRANNY's CANNOT DANCE TUBO TUBO! SO yeah. And its confirmed! Wendy is my daughter!! Welcome to the weirdy family we loove you wendy! ;;). And and girlies.. your not gonna take me to jupiter with you!! Whos gonna protect you from the evil-turkey-looking aliens. DID someone say Tequila!!And girls.. thinking about. That alien.. whatever you wanna call it.. is kinda cute .... IN HIS OWN WAY!!"
This news made the girls all happy, they'd have a new sister in their family, and they'd be going for New Years to pluto... the excitement was that of kid on christmas just waiting to open their presents. FInally Princess I-am-beautiful- exclaimed " We should have a baby shower saying: "It's a girl!!" haha
Thank you for taking me into your wonderfully weird family.
Meg added " Ooooh yay..another aunt to my colection!!!
I knew it..I knew you'll grow to love that little guy...just like you learned to love me!! "

Pancrasia laughed and said " hahah noo waay! I loved you right off I didn't even have to look at you twice, it was like " Love at first sight" Ahem baby/granny love, Just all these hours and hours looking at this alien made me learn to appreciate his looks. YEAH! Baby shower at 5:00!!bring baby boys!! lalalalal And bring your sexy husbands :):)"
After much planning, they we're finally ready to go on their great journey to outer space. Untill, 2 hours before they left Mrs. look-at-my-dices-steph EXCLAIMED " EVERYONE HOLD ON!! Going to outer space without me?!?!?!
NO, not acceptable!! So, I'll take the food and drinks, since we cannot eat the aliens...we must show 'em LOTS of love! -grins, grins again-
Sniffles! Talking about pluto, the moon, ...jupiter, outer space!! it all made me cry you were thinking of leaving without me! but totally forgive you ... See Moresee...the spaceship is Meggys no? -and I, as the mother have the keys, so you couldn't have managed to forget me here! (smugness)

princess I-am-beautiful-windy quickly said, "
Oh, pooh! How could we forget such an important factor to our sanity in space? You are what keeps us alive and well! Stephie, no worries, even though not written I think we will all agree no one would DARE to go into outer space without you!"

" yeah" said ester, " No outer space without you dear... :):):)"

MORALE OF THE STORY : Don't get an alien boyfriend, its not good on the health of your mother or your siblings or you family!! It just turns them NUTZZ!!

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of!!!! NUTS FOR THE SOUL!!

Oh P.S. almost everything posted here was part of an actual conversation we had.. sigh we're such nuts!

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Natalia said...

ahahaha..moma i luv u, ur so crazy,...i mean u waisted all that time to make me/us sweet;;) :D

MJ said...

omgsh are such a nut! I was laughing through out the whole story!'s GENIUS! omgsh omg omg....I'm in love~ nyahaha.

MJ said...

P.S. I love that cutsie little 'it' . Hey Estie you name the little fella yet?

Stephanie said...

Hahahahha! GENUIS IT IS! (keeps laughing!) (trys to shut up and compose herself) Sandy it could make a bestseller!! :D :D As in a vision..NUTS FOR THE SOUL! :) We're famous! (sighs all joy and sits down~) Mind me saying that I Loooove this family, it's just soo US, if you know what I mean:P (A round of hugs and kisses for everyone!! ~please receive)

Windy said...

Oh my God! That would be awesome!!!
I love what you did to this post.....ROCKIN!!!! Yeah, I'll agree, we are really "us"!

Windy said...

Hugs received with joy!
Hugs you back!

Alice J. said...

LOL!! Omigosh Sandy you're the bestest ever!! I never laughed so much :P :P so awesome Love you!!
Oh than thing still has no name.... any ideas ppl.?

Stephanie said...

Puki Puki! :D

Sandy said...

aww, you guys made it awesome. I practically just copyed and pasted everything we said. includign all spelling errors! so yeah, if you think I'm lousy iin my spelling its just cause I wanted it to be the same as everyone wrote it. Must've been one of the weirdest conversations ever. heehehe lov ey ou guys!!