This is a blog... a very strange blog. About a family... a very strange family, But a family full of joy, laughter, love and fun!

My turn

Oh!! -jumps up and down-
Its my turn, its my turn.
-everybody stares awkwardly and ask, "your turn for what?"-
humm... my turn for posting something in this bloggy (cheesy smile)-
-aand what are you gonna post about?-
humm... gee I donno... just something random ... I think...
A what's more random than.... umm

Cheese? :D:D

-awkward stares-

okai fine, I'll post about cookies....

-more awkward stares-

humm.....  Chocolate (slurps) :D?

 Ok. how about I stop trying to post about food and say something I really love about my Family? :D
Okai. So I love it that I can say/do anything random and instead of being laughed at, I can laugh about it with you guys and remind myself of it at times, and it will bring a huugee grin to my face :D
I also love it that i can trust you with my "Secrets" and have none to keep :D puahahha
I think its pretty awesome that even tho we're so far away from each other (at least I am) that we can still be a super-cool-and-awesome-no-matter-how-twisted-this-gets kinda family.

all I have to say is that i love you guys to pieces... even to those of you I don't know so well. You guys Rock my world!!

-- Alice J.

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MJ said...

Yummmm...I love you alice!

Kwan said...

That post was so awesome (i wonder what made me like it so much?) i think because it was so wacky! and so you!!!love you heaps Ali!!

Sandy said...

ahahaaah, omg. was laughing through the whole thing. yeah, just like you to be thinking about food all the time. So unfair, I'm so hungry and those chocolates are so tempting. yeah, alice WE LOVE YOU! You random monkey.

Windy said...

aHAHAHA, sooo unfair.......I'm hungwy too!
But, have a way to make me laugh......I love you!